【同义词辨析】 2019-03-18 遗产heritage-birthright

heritage: may apply to anything that is passed on not only to an heir or heirs but to the succeeding generation or generations: want, the ~ of waste.     (多指世代传承的遗产,如he is proud of his polish heritage他为自己的波兰文化遗产感到骄傲,如world heritage世界遗产包括自然/文化遗产natural/cultural heritage,文化遗产包括物质/非物质文化遗产tangible/intangible cultural heritage)   (形容词heritable可遗传的可世袭的=inheritable,如a heritable disease遗传病,a heritable title可世袭的头衔爵位)       注意:继承人heir [eə(r)]首字母不发音

inheritance: refers to what passes from parents to children, such as money, property, or character traits, or to the fact or means of inheriting: brown eyes, her ~ from her father.     这个词通用,遗传也用这个词      trait生理特征  

patrimony: applies to the money or property inherited from one's father, but also generally to one's ancestral inheritance: the intellectual ~ of the Renaissance.  词根PATR表示father父亲,如paternal父亲的,如patron资助者顾客原指像父亲一样提供支持帮助的人,如patriarchy父权制男权统治patrician贵族上流社会patricide弑父expatriate移居国外paternalistic像父亲操心管教子女一样的,用在外人身上有贬义

birthright: generally implies the rights to which one is entitled by nativity, as by being a native-born citizen or a descendant of a particular family: honor that was their ~.    如the freedom that is our birthright自由是我们的天赋人权      (entitle使有资格有权to give someone the right to have or to do something,如entitled to his opinion/this fund/travel first class有权发表个人意见/分享这笔基金/坐头等舱)

heritage遗产: 可指任何传给继承人的遗产,特别是传承的遗产,inheritance遗产遗传继承: 指传自父母遗产遗传,或指遗传继承这种动作的事实或方式,patrimony父亲遗产: 指继承自父亲的遗产,或泛指祖传的遗产,birthright天赋权利: 指出生时与生俱来的权利,如生为某国公民或某家族后裔

记忆方法: 1)首字母HIPBI Have Best Parents首字母<==宝贵的遗产

        2) 练习一下

        3)遗产的意思是继承自父母的或前任的mean something which one receives or is entitled to receive by succession, as from a parent or predecessor.